United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region awards $790,546 in grants from its Community Fund to 48 programs of 36 agencies in Dutchess and Orange counties. This is 49% of the $1,161,184 total investment that United Way is making in the local community during its next fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2018.
“Each year, United Way’s Community Fund supports our mission to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community,” explained Jeannie Montano. “These 48 programs will provide significant change in our communities. From Washingtonville’s Food For Kids that provides food for vulnerable children on weekends and during the summer to Pawling Resource Center’s Transportation Program for seniors, United Way is helping make communities stronger for everyone throughout Dutchess and Orange counties.”
United Way’s Community Fund grants will support programs that combat bullying, child abuse, homelessness, hunger, illiteracy, and unemployment while strengthening the community, including the health of children and vulnerable adults, providing mentors and role models for children and teens, and providing a helping hand to veterans and seniors. Every year, your contributions to United Way through workplace and payroll deductions or as individual gifts, go to making our community stronger.
"Our community investment strategy is a thorough process inclusive of 200 community members with varying experience in several diverse fields including business, government, education, and the nonprofit sector who serve as grant reviewers,” explained Melissa Clark, Director of Community Impact. “We are confident that our community investment strategy directs our community's fund in the most impactful and just way.”
Of the $790,546 that was awarded, 20 programs that are focused on physical and mental health concerns received $318,000; 10 programs centered around education received $188,046; 14 programs that provide financial stability received $252,500; 2 programs that help local veterans received $12,000; and two key community resources received $20,000. A complete list of funded nonprofit partners and program descriptions is available at: www.uwdor.org/investing-in-change.
The 48 United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region Funded Programs
July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
Development of Healthy Relationships & Reduction of At-Risk Behaviors
Goal: Increasing resiliency of young adults to help them to maintain healthier relationships with themselves, their peers, and their families.
The Art EffectSpark Studios; Big Brothers Big Sisters’One-to-One Mentoring; Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse's Personal Safety Program; Family Services, Inc.'s Sexual Violence Prevention Program and its Teen Resource Activity Center; Girls on the Run Hudson Valley's Girls on the Run; Grace Smith House's Healthy Teen Relationships; Hudson River Housing, Inc.'s River Haven; HONORehg, Inc.'s A Friend’s House; Mental Health Association of Orange County's Safe Dates; National Alliance on Mental Illness Mid-Hudson's Ending the Silence; North East Community Council, Inc.'s Teen Team Leadership Program; Red Hook Community Center's What’s On Your Mind; Safe Homes Orange County's Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program
Nutrition & Physical Activity
Goal: Provide individuals and families with information to understand the value of healthy eating habits and gain access to nutritious foods and physical activity.
Common Ground Farms (CGF)'s Beacon Farm to School Community Project; Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County's Green Teen Community Gardening-Growing Healthy; Food For Kids Washingtonville's Food For Kids; Hudson Valley Seed, Inc.'s Beacon/Newburgh School Garden Education; Poughkeepsie Farm Project (PFP)'s City FRESH; Regional Food Bank's Food for Dutchess & Orange County Feeding Program
Parent/Caregiver Support
Goal: Empower parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to be their child’s first teacher.
Common Ground FarmsCommon Ground Young Learners; Grace Smith HouseParents As Caregivers; Mental Health America, Dutchess CountyYour Defiant Child; Safe Homes Orange CountyNurturing Families Program
A Community Effort to Learning
Goal: Empower students with the appropriate skills for successful grade-level advancement by providing opportunities for structured learning outside of the classroom.
Boys and Girls Club of Newburgh's The Afterschool Project's Early Elementary Education Program;Hudson Valley Seed, Inc.'s After School and Summer Programming;Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley's Book Buddies; Newburgh Armory Unity Center's Comprehensive Education Programs; R.E.A.L. Skills’S.T.A.R.T. Program; Vassar College Urban Education Initiative Early Literacy for English Language Learners
Strength-Based Financial Education
Goal: Empowering clients with the knowledge and resources to overcome financial crisis.
Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County's Financial Stability Strategy; Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange County's Case Management & Crisis; Intervention; Community Action Partnership for Dutchess County's Crisis Intervention & Case Management; Cornerstone Family Healthcare's Healthy Connections; Dutchess Outreach, Inc.’s Emergency Assistance Program; Grace Smith House, Inc.’sMeets Basic Needs; Hudson River Housing’s Housing Navigation Program; Jewish Family Services’Financial Empowerment Program; Safe Homes of Orange County's Financial Assistance Program
Long-Term Building Capacity
Goal: Support individuals and families with the education and tools to attain self-sufficiency through improved financial practices.
Community Action Partnership for Dutchess CountyDress for Success Dutchess County; Hudson River Housing, Inc.Follow Through Program; Legal Services of the Hudson ValleyHomelessness Prevention and Income Stabilization Services; Pawling Resource CenterTransportation Program
Increasing Assets
Goal: Increasing annual earnings and workplace advancement of individuals and families in our region.
Hudson Valley CA$H Coalition's Tax Preparation Program
Legal Assistance
Goal: Help veterans and their families to access legal services.
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley's Veterans & Military Families Advocacy Project for DC Residents
Housing Assistance
Goal: Help veterans and their families access affordable and safe housing that meets their needs.
Hudson River Housing, Inc.'s Veteran Impact Program
Key Community Resources
Hudson Valley 2-1-1 Helpline and Mid-Hudson Valley Community Profiles
For a complete list and program descriptions, go to www.uwdor.org/investing-in-change.