Community Resources (updated as information arrives)

We are Dutchess Orange Community Strong #DOCommunityStrong. 

Click on the links below to go section of interest:

Government COVID-19 Updates  

2-1-1 Helpline  • Click here to Add Resource •  Business Resources •  Childcare for Essential Personnel  •  Crisis Support  Donate  Employment Opportunities,  & Unemployment Insurance • Facebook Group •  Farmers' Markets •  Finances • Food Pantries and Meal Delivery  •  Grants for Specific Workers Impacted by COVID  •  Health, Healthcare, Mental Health and Insurance • Housing Resources •  Internet Access (free) • Learning Support for Children Legal Services • Masks  •   New Tax Advantage for Donors  •  Newspaper (free COVID-19 stories)  • Nonprofit Resources  •  Public Transportation  Rent Relief  • Restaurants Offering Take-Out and Delivery  •   School Meals   •   Summer Meals  •  Senior Shopping Venues and Home Delivered Meals  •  Scam Alerts • Shine United • Taxes  •  Tourism  • United Through Reading  • Utilities & Energy Assesment  • Vaccine Information •  Veterans and Military  •  Virtual Conferencing •  Volunteer Opportunities

Please note that these resources are subject to change. Questions? Please email Read more about our response by clicking here. 

Call United Way's free, confidential 24/7/365 helpline 2-1-1 (1-800-899-1479) with your questions about COVID-19 and to find the help you need in this ever, changing environment.

2-1- 1 is a vital service that connects millions of people to help every year. To get expert, caring help, simply call 211 today. 2-1-1 is the most comprehensive source of locally curated social services information in the U.S. and most of Canada. All calls are confidential.

Join our Facebook Group to share information and be connected virtually to one another:

Add Resources to Group:

Vaccine Information

New York State

Dutchess County

Orange County


Facebook Group To Help Find Appointment

Goverment Updates

Volunteer Opportunities

UWDOR has opportunities to help your community during this time of need. 


Dutchess County

Learning Support for Children

Summer Meals

Dutchess County

Orange County

School Meal Distribution Sites and Food for Families

Dutchess County Schools

Orange County Schools (from

Food Pantries and Meal Deliveries

Dutchess County
(Download an Excel List)

Orange County
(Download an Excel list)

Meal Deliveries

Community Farmers' Markets

Senior Shopping Venues and Home Delivered Meals

Restaurants Offering Take-Out and Delivery

COVID Rent Relief Program

Housing Resources

Crisis Support

Orange County



Energy Assesment

Dutchess County

Orange County

Weatherization and EmPower NY Program. See Application (PDF). More info: 845-421-6266 or

Free Internet (with restrictions, see links below) 

Internet Subsidies

Virtual Work Support


  • Atlassian (free access to cloud tools 10 and under employees)



Employment and Unemployment

Unemployment Insurance

Employment Opportunities

Grants for Specific Workers Impacted by COVID 


Restaurant Workers

Health and Health Insurance

Drive Through COVID-19 Testing Locations

Addiction Treatment


  • Cornerstone Since the COVID-19 crisis began, there has been a drastic and troubling reduction in primary and preventative medical care visits, as patients are staying home and often forgoing routine and episodic medical care. The fact is, at this time, it is more dangerous to skip doctors’ appointments than it is to visit a provider’s office, as early detection of medical conditions is often the key to positive health outcomes. Cornerstone Family Healthcare is presently accepting new patients at all 15 of its medical practices, in Rockland, Orange, Ulster, and Broome counties. 845-563-8000,, or check our Facebook page for more information.

Mental Health

Health Insurance


CDC recommends face covering

Public Transportation

Legal Services


New Tax Advantage for Donors

Scam Alerts

Business Resources


Newspapers offering free access to articles about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Nonprofit Resources

Veterans & Military



For the 3 AER forms (see links to PDFS below): Just for your situational awareness, HQ AER will accept and consider Exceptions to Policy for eligibility for ARNG and USAR Soldiers on a case-by-case basis when they are experiencing extreme or unusual financial hardship due to a cancelled deployment or the current DoD travel ban.

Assistance requests will be submitted directly to HQ AER IAW the guidelines below.

Again, this is situational awareness for most, and is only directly applicable if you have ARNG and USAR units on your installation.

1. As you know, AER assist ARNG and USAR Soldier who are:

a. Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Soldiers serving in full-time positions under Title 10 U.S.C. for more than 30 consecutive days and their eligible Family members.

b. Members of the Reserve Component of the Army (National Guard and Army Reserve under Title 10 U.S.C) on continuous Active Duty for more than 30 consecutive days and their eligible Family members.

c. RetiredArmy Reserve and National Guard Soldiers receiving Retired pay and their Family members.

2. As a result of COVID-19,AER will assist Non-Title 10 ARNG and USAR Soldiers on a case-by-case basis when they are experiencing extreme or unusual financial hardship due to a cancelled deployment or the current DoD travel ban. Soldiers needing help should submit the attached forms AER Form 770, (Exception to Policy for Eligibility), AER Form 57 (Budget Planning Sheet) and AER Form 575 (Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization)) along with supporting documentation through the first Field Grade Officer or Command Sergeant Major in the chain of command for my review and then forward to AER HQs at .

3. Request your dissemination of this information to subordinate commands as appropriate.

4. Let Ms Monica Staats, Family Readiness Support Assistant (FRSA), 99th Readiness Division (Phone: 910.598.3805, Email: know if you have questions or if there are other specific financial needs your Soldiers and Families are experiencing as a result from the COVID-19. They have the capability to rapidly adjust their operations to meet this evolving situation.

24/7 support or assistance is available at Military One Source 1-800-342-9647 or

Army Reserves Family Programs:

Helping your Family & Children Cope during the COVID19


MilitaryOneSource will also post news and important information on their social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Be sure to follow them for updates and to hear from others in the community.

The MilitaryOneSource call center remains available 24/7/365 for personalized support. Call 1-800-342-9647 (OCONUS calling options here:

- This can be a demanding time. If you are feeling stressed, counseling services remain available by phone, video and online. To schedule an appointment, call (1-800-342-9647) or live chat ( through the website.


See more newsletters:

Shine United

United Way has established the Dutchess Orange Community Strong Fund for families impacted by COVID-19. For more information, click here. 

See United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region's informational page on Coronavirus and our Visitor Policy. 


Our Sponsors

Annual Sponsors