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We will prepare your tax return following the IRS and Tax-Aide requirements for IN-PERSON SERVICE.

Free Tax Preparation Guidelines

Service is povided by IRS Certified Volunteers. To Low-Moderate Income Filers without age or membership restrictions. Filers must remain at the tax site for the duration of their appointment.  

The CA$H Coalition depends on the support of our community partners for program assistance, but the heavy lifting of tax preparation is done by our amazing team of volunteers from the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program. Since 1968 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program has helped over 50 million low-to-moderate income taxpayers. This is a milestone year for Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) as they celebrate 50 years of strengthening America’s workers. Since the Tax Reduction Act of 1975 was introduced EITC has been helping to give modest tax breaks that provide financial help to economically challenged families and individuals and encouraging work. The Coalition Tax-Aide takes the lead in training volunteers and managing over 30 tax preparation sites in Dutchess, Orange, and Putnam Counties.


Service is provided by appointment only.  

Appointments are made by calling United Way Help Line 211 or 1-800-899-1479Appointments can be made starting 1/16/2025 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.  If you do experience a wait time, we encourage you to use the option of leaving your name and phone number for a callback. 

Please be patient. Early call volume is very high. We will strive to call you back within 24 hours. Please answer your phone when you are called. Note: the caller ID may be that of one of our volunteers as opposed to the United Way 2-1-1 call center.  

  • Each filer is required to obtain a Pre-Appointment Packet, complete the packet prior to their scheduled appointment and come to the appointment with all required tax documents.
  • Pre-Appointment Packets have a complete listing of documents you are required to bring to your appointment. All documents must be printed.
  • IRS-certified Tax-Aide volunteers will review your tax documents and complete a short interview using the required IRS intake form. After the interview is complete, the volunteer will input tax information using the software provided by the IRS.  
  • Your tax return will be quality reviewed by another IRS Certified Tax Counselor.  Once the return is completed, the Tax Counselor will review the entire return with you and obtain your permission to e-file the return.  Filers are required to remain at the tax site location during the preparation process. 
  • Please note valuable information you received in your appointment confirmation email regarding additional forms you may need for your appointment.


Printed packets are available at central locations in the region or at the tax site as explained when making your appointment. If you have difficulties getting to the location for packet pick-up, contact 845-475-7500.

Pre-Appointment Packet is available for download. 

Formularios de admisión federales y estatales requeridos para los contribuyentes de habla hispana. Descargar, imprimir y completar antes de su cita.


Central Locations for Pre-Appointment Packets (During normal hours of operation unless noted otherwise.)


Dutchess County

Orange County

Putnam County

Adriance Library

Mulberry House

Monday – Saturday: 9am – 1pm

Kent Library

Boardman Road Library

Newburgh Library

Patterson Library

Dover Library

Chester Library

Brewster Library

East Fishkill Town Hall


Fishkill Recreation Center


Howland Library-


Hyde Park Library


Grinnell LIbrary-
Wappingers Falls

Pleasant Valley Library    
Red Hook Library    
Tivoli Library    



Download any additional forms you may need to process your return.  The below are not included in the pre-appointment packet.


If you Operate a For Hire Business--Uber/Lift/DoorDash download and print this packet for instructions on how to prepare for your appointment. All documentation must be printed, we cannot take any tax information over the phone.


IRS does not allow Tax-Aide to complete returns that are Out of Scope

We will not be able to complete your tax return if:

  • You were a resident of another state anytime in 2024*.
  • You had rental income (including Airbnb) in 2024*.
  • Declared bankruptcy in 2024*.
    • *Or for any year you are filing for
  • Out-of-state Income – Exception CT, Penn, NJ.
  • Own your own business - with business loss, expenses greater than $35,000, or inventory.
  • Tax-Aide is unable to prepare a return with digital (Crytocurrency) exchanges.
  • Tax-Aide is unable to prepare returns claiming the Electric Vehicle Tax Credit.
  • Tax-Aide is unable to prepare a return for filers looking for a tax credit for Solar Panels or Geothermal Systems.

This is not the entire list. You are responsible for reviewing all eligibility information outlined here.


Out of Scope 2024


If you would like to explore alternative options to complete your tax return on your own check out:

IRS Direct File: