United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region Establishes Fund and Resources During COVID-19 Crisis

United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region is actively responding to the needs of this evolving crisis in several ways. These include: 

“In so many ways this is new territory for us, but just as our United Way evolved from a War Chest to Community Chest in response to our community’s needs, so we are evolving now,” stated President & CEO Jeannie Montano. “I’d like to express my personal thanks to all of our government leaders, helping steer us through this crisis, and our frontline responders, providing health care, safety and security as well as those in warehouses, delivering goods, stocking shelves and checking us out at grocery stores throughout the area. By your continuing service, you are helping all of us. Thank you.”

For more information go to www.uwdor.org or on social media: facebook.com/uwdortwitter.com/uwdorinstagram.com/unitedwaydorand linkedin.com/in/uwdor. Use the hashtag #DOCommunityStrong to show that we’re all Dutchess Orange Community Strong and we #LiveUnited.



URGENT HELP NEEDEDFor those who were already living paycheck to paycheck, the recent closures have placed added pressure on their already constrained resources. As hourly jobs close, benefits are suspended, daycares and schools close, access to food, daycare, and a steady income are becoming harder and harder for many. These families need your help now more than ever.

Make a donation to our Urgent Need Dutchess Orange Community Strong Fund today to help support families in crisis. 

  • Your gift will help accomplish things like:
  • Make sure children and families have access to food
  • Providing essential and emergency items to students in our community

Allow our trained 2-1-1 call specialists to continue taking Coronavirus related calls (they have already taken over 2,000 calls from the Hudson Valley Region)

During this time of social distancing YOU can still help your neighbor! 100% of your donation is tax-deductible.

Your donation will remain in our Dutchess and Orange County communities and will provide lifesaving resources to families impacted by COVID-19.

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