On Thursday, September 14th a capacity crowd filled The Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel to join United Way in the beginning of its celebration of 80 years of creating positive change in the community. United Way recognized two men as this year’s Community Champions, John O’Shea, Chairman of the Board of Marshall & Sterling Insurance, and John Rath, First Senior Vice President and Group Manager of Lakeland Bank. Nonprofit Executive Directors, Shirley Adams of Catharine Street Community Center and Christopher Molinelli of HONOR as well as Legal Services of the Hudson Valley’s Rachel Simons, Attorney-in-Charge of the Newburgh Office were recognized for their organizations work in the community.
“Our commitment to serving our community and those in need is supported directly by thousands of people who donate their money, time and energy to making sure that our most vulnerable residents are supported,” explained United Way Board Chair, David Jolly, Chief Operating Officer of Cornerstone Family Health. “Our anniversary breakfast was just another example of how our communities continue to Live United, in service to others.”
The 80th Anniversary Community Breakfast included a few surprises, including a flash mob song performed by The County Players that was a huge hit. “Our United Way team, led by Rachel Johnson, Vice President of Resource Development, created a fun event that at the same time conveyed the hard work that still lies ahead for all of us in our fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community,” remarked Jeannie Montano, President and CEO of United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region. “All those who attended and supported the breakfast are helping ensure the future security of Dutchess and Orange County residents. We raised more than $52,000, from this event that go toward this year’s Campaign Goal of $1.6 million dollars.”
Denise Doring VanBuren, Vice President of Communications at Central Hudson and a member of United Way’s Resource Development Committee, served as the Master of Ceremonies for the breakfast. “Denise is an amazing emcee,” Jeannie Montano, President & CEO, noted. “Not only does she watch the time to make sure we end promptly at 9:00am so everyone can get back to their offices on time, but she also fills the breakfast with her humor and warmth.” This year, Q92.1 FM’s Joe Daily and Michelle Taylor broadcast live from the breakfast, sponsored by Fidelis Care, and they interviewed several of the guests on air.
The 80th Annual Campaign for the Common Good is co-chaired by United Way Board Member Sharon McGinnis and United Way Board Vice-Chair Kevin Cleary.
“I am so proud to be a part of this year’s campaign,” explained Campaign Co-Chair Sharon McGinnis, Vice President of Human Resources & Safety and Chief Compliance, Ethics & Privacy Officer for Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. “Last year, United Way touched the lives of over 160,000 residents of the Hudson Valley. Fundraising is critical to ensure we are able to continue to support our communities. If the level of excitement and energy at the kick-off breakfast is any indication, this year’s campaign is off to a great start!”
“With more than 360 leaders from Dutchess and Orange county attending our 80th anniversary Campaign kick-off breakfast, we’re off to a very fast start to exceed our Campaign goal of $1.6m,” exclaimed Campaign Co-Chair Kevin Cleary, retired, IBM Corp. “For the past 80 years the United Way of Dutchess and Orange region has been the one organization our community can count on to provide leadership and economic support for all our neighbors in need.”
United Way recognizes the leadership and generosity of the top sponsors:
· IBM Corporation, Lakeland Bank, Orange & Rockland Utilities (Gold Sponsor),
· Adams Fairacre Farms, Libertyville Capital Group II, LLC / Rowley Development Corp., Marshall & Sterling Insurance (Silver Sponsors),
· Art DeDominicis Certified Public Accountants, Biv V Capital, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp., The Children's Home of Poughkeepsie, Corbally, Gartland and Rappleyea, LLP, Dutchess Community College / Dutchess Community College Foundation, Health Quest, HOSPICE of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc, Legal Services of the Hudson Valley, Marist College, Northwestern Mutual, Sound Associates, Th!nk Dutchess Alliance for Business (Bronze Sponsors),
· Cosimo’s Restaurant Group, Crown Maple, LLC, Day Seckler, Dental Design Studio, Herb Redl Properties / Guardian Self Storage, Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Judelson Giordano & Siegel, CPA, PC, LCS Facility Group, M&T Bank, McCabe & Mack LLP, Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP, Rhinebeck Bank, Rider, Weiner & Frankel, P.C., Rose & Kiernan, Inc, Scott Sweeney, Lisa Tatelbaum, Pat O’Shea, SUNY Orange Foundation, Ulster Savings Bank (Business Supporters),
as well as The Poughkeepsie Journal (Media Sponsor) and Q92.1 FM / Fidelis Care (Radio Sponsors) for their support of the annual United Way Community Breakfast.