Learn More: FREE Tax Preparation


Hudson Valley CASH Coalition 
Dutchess and Orange Counties of New York State

Since 2004, the coalition has been providing free federal and state tax preparation services, along with education and other critical services to our community. 
Members: AARP Tax-Aide, Catholic Charities, Cornell Cooperative Extension, DC Community Action Partnership, North East Community Center, United States Internal Revenue Service, and United Way
Free Tax Preparation Service for Tax Year 2019 
Hudson Valley CA$H Coalition (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope) is a group of organizations dedicated to helping families and individuals in the Hudson Valley save money and improve their financial stability. The coalition provides free federal and state tax preparation for taxpayers living in New York counties of Dutchess and Orange. To ensure the quality of the service, tax preparers receive many hours of training and are certified by the IRS. In 2019, over 7,977 tax returns were prepared and e-filed in Orange and Dutchess counties.


  • To get more information about tax preparation locations in Dutchess and Orange Counties, call 2-1-1 or 800-899-1479 (daily, 9am to 7pm) . You can schedule an appointment at one of the many sites.
  • Tax preparation sites are open February 1st until April 15, 2020. 
  • Get more information (pdf) about free tax preparation service.
  • Get ready for your meeting with a tax counselor. Download and print the readiness checklist (pdf) to make sure you have all the important documents for your appointment. More info here.

To help your friends, neighbors, and family, tell them about free tax preparation services by:

  • Sending an email with a link to this website.
  • Downloading a poster to print and display at your workplace, school, church, or other place in your community. English Spanish

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