Meet Angie

Angie served her country with pride, but when she returned home she struggled. Her boyfriend of years broke up with her. Weeks later she discovered she was pregnant. Now, she was giving birth a few weeks early and was scared as COVID-19 was everywhere. She'd had to give up working a few weeks earlier as her doctor was concerned for her health. She'd been struggling to pay rent and utilities on her salary, now on the day she welcomed her baby into the world she didn't know what to do. She couldn't even go home as she hadn't been able to set up the nursery.

When we got the call at United Way about Angie, we were able to help her. She was able to go home with her son and start their life together with the basic necessities, including a car seat, crib, diapers and onesies. Until United Way stepped in, Angie didn't know what she'd do. Thanks to you we were able to be there for her. Help us help other people like Angie through your donation to United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region.  

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