Hailey's Story

Recently Hailey, a 3rd grade student, was asked what she was looking forward too. She replied that one of her favorite things to do in the summer is walk to the firehouse to get lunch, picking up food from a United Way subsidized food program. During the school year, she receives a backpack of food on Fridays through the same program. 

When asked what she likes so much about the program, Hailey said “we even get extra snacks and stuff so Mommy doesn’t have to count how many we’re allowed to eat every day.”  Hailey worries a lot about her mom, Karen. She knows her mom is always working. Karen supports Hailey and her sister working two minimum wage jobs and receives very little child support as her ex is constantly changing jobs. 

Karen found it hard to accept assistance, but said: “When it is not my pay week and there is barely anything to eat at home, we need the food.” This food program gives families like Hailey’s the relief of knowing that there is enough food in the house. 

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