Keynote Speaker and Panelists

Keynote Speaker

David M. Hoovler, the elected District Attorney of Orange County, is a graduate of the University of Maryland, and Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University. He has  worked as an assistant district attorney in both the Bronx and Orange counties. He was a police detective in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and a former Department of Justice Trial Attorney within the Criminal Division.  District Attorney Hoovler’s efforts in the District Attorney’s Office focus on community prosecution, a crime prevention tactic that teams prosecutors with community leaders and residents to identify and prevent potential crime problems.  In addition to his legal career, DA Hoovler has also been active in youth organizations and local government, and has received numerous community honors and awards.

Panel Facilitator

Christie VanHorne is a public health consultant with a Masters in Education and a Masters in Public Health. One of her current projects works to create solutions and address the national opioid epidemic for the Hemophilia Federation of America. 



James Conklin has been in the addictions field for over 30 years. He has been the Executive Director of The Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Council of Orange County (ADAC) since January of 1995. His work has been involved in treatment, prevention and education on the issues related to substance use disorders for individuals, families and communities.



Damara Gutnick, M.D., is the medical director of the Montefiore Hudson Valley Collaborative Preforming Provider System, an associate professor of medicine and psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine, a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and the director of quality and research at the nonprofit Centre for Collaboration, Motivation & Innovation.


Darcie Miller, LCSW-R as the Commissioner for Orange County Departments of Mental Health and Social Services  is fully committed to developing and supporting a responsive system of care for those challenged by addiction and their families.


Susan Salomone is the Founder and Executive Director of Drug Crisis in our Backyard, a 501(c)3 grassroots organization, founded in June 2012. The tragic loss of Justin Salomone and Erik Christiansen led to its formation.  Dedicated to raising awareness of the rampant use of heroin and opiates in the community, Drug Crisis In Our Backyward works to erase the stigma of addiction, supporting families struggling with active addiction and working with legislators to improve treatment and make it more accessible to those who need it. Susan is on the OASAS Substance Use Disorder Workgroup and a member of Governor Cuomo’s Heroin Task Force.


Elaine Trumpetto is the Executive Director of the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education of Dutchess County, Inc., a NYS OASAS licensed prevention education, counseling and recovery services provider and a contract agency of Dutchess County.


Michele M. Tugade, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Vassar College, where she directs the Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory. Her research focuses on the mechanisms that promote resilience in the face of stress and adversity and emotion-related processes associated with health and well-being. Her program of research incorporates multiple research methodologies, including laboratory-based experiments, ecological momentary assessment, behavioral analyses, and psychophysiological measurement procedures.  

Dawn Wilkin, Assistant Director of Prevention Services at Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange & Sullivan and a NYS OASAS Credentialed Prevention Specialist since 2004, has been in the field of community level substance abuse prevention and community organization for 18 years with specific emphasis on cultural and health disparities in communities and works toward community level change utilizing evidenced based programs and strategies to address issues specific to the communities she serves.





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