Day of Sharing

United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region individual pickups for Day of Sharing. Please email Rebecca Lull at to schedule a time and day. This invitation is extended to all nonprofit agencies, faith-based organizations and schools serving residents of Dutchess and Orange counties without charge. We request each group receiving in-kind donations complete and return Gift-In-Kind Policy Form to Rebecca Lull at (Click here to downloadGift-In-Kind Policy Form).

Here are some items you can pick up for your clients:

  • Hygiene Items
  • Youth Clothing and Shoes
  • Adult Clothing
  • Bedding
  • Household Items
  • School Supplies

October 2023 Day of Sharing Website Image

October 27, 2023

10:00am - 2:00pm

Click here to register for October Day of Sharing.


No Contact Day of Sharing

In addition, United Way offers No Contact Day of Sharing throughout the year. The Day of Sharing boutique and Louis Greenspan Children's Corner are full of goods for area nonprofits, schools and faith-based organizations. Contact Rebecca Lull ( or 845-471-1900 ext 3113) for more information, to submit your "shopping list," and arrange a no contact pick up. Read more about Day of Sharing
United Way's Day of Sharing provides these necessities, so that our neighbors will have bedding, household and kitchen items, men's and women's clothes as well as items for infants and children at no cost. This Day was created to help support our fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community. 
childrenscornerOur newly expanded Louis Greenspan Children's Corner is now open! The Louis Greenspan Children's Corner is an exciting and very needed addition to our quarterly Day of Sharing. This one room contains basic necessities, which sometimes are beyond the reach for parents in our region. These items are ones that no child should go without, but in times of financial crisis they can become luxuries. 
The room is stocked with:
  • hygiene items     
  • new and gently used infant, toddler, and children's clothes
  • children's shoes and socks
  • toys and other items to help your clients; parents who are struggling to provide for their family 

Please share this information with your network of nonprofits, faith-based organizations and schools serving the residents of Dutchess & Orange Counties.

Please contact Rebecca Lull for more information.



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