United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region individual pickups for Day of Sharing. Please email Rebecca Lull at rlull@uwdor.org to schedule a time and day. This invitation is extended to all nonprofit agencies, faith-based organizations and schools serving residents of Dutchess and Orange counties without charge. We request each group receiving in-kind donations complete and return Gift-In-Kind Policy Form to Rebecca Lull at rlull@uwdor.org. (Click here to download: Gift-In-Kind Policy Form).
Here are some items you can pick up for your clients:
- Hygiene Items
- Youth Clothing and Shoes
- Adult Clothing
- Bedding
- Household Items
- School Supplies
October 27, 2023
10:00am - 2:00pm
Click here to register for October Day of Sharing.
No Contact Day of Sharing

- hygiene items
- new and gently used infant, toddler, and children's clothes
- children's shoes and socks
- toys and other items to help your clients; parents who are struggling to provide for their family
Please share this information with your network of nonprofits, faith-based organizations and schools serving the residents of Dutchess & Orange Counties.
Presented in partnership with