United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region invests in solutions to our community's biggest challenges by partnering with all sectors of the community to identify resources and leverage volunteers to make the Dutchess-Orange region a better place for our children and families.

United Way’s work is focused on the building blocks for a good life:

Education – Helping children and youth achieve their full potential
Financial Stability – Promoting financial stability and independence
Health – Improving our community's health 


With your guidance, we identified priorities for United Way Community Fund investment. Together, we will focus on outcomes that will:

  • Provide parents with the information and tools to understand all stages of their child's development
  • Provide opportunities for learning outside of the classroom
  • Connect children with mentors, tutors and enrichment programs to ensure grade level achievement
  • Help individuals and families overcome financial crisis
  • Provide education to improve financial literacy, reduce debt and increase savings
  • Connect low to moderate income individuals with opportunities to increase annual income through tax programs and workplace advancement
  • Improve access to nutritious foods and recreation to decrease obesity
  • Help adolescents and young adults develop the skills to form healthy relationships with a focus on reducing instances of bullying and intimate partner violence
  • Reduce at-risk behaviors including substance, alcohol and drug abuse among adolescents and young adults

We set out to achieve the goals set forth by the community.

With your help, it can be done.

These are some of the problems facing our community:

  • High School graduation rates are as low as 53%*
  • 16 out of every 100 children in our community live in poverty*
  • Across our region, more than 1 in 3 children goes to bed hungry. In some areas, that number jumps to 96%**
  • 2 in 3 children cannot read proficiently by Grade 4*
  • Last year, more than 1,942 instances of child abuse and neglect were indicated*
  • 1 in 11 children in our region reports bullying in the schools

**Data according to the Mid-Hudson Community Profiles

**Data according to the New York State Council on Children & Families Kids' Well-being Indicators Clearinghouse

To learn more about the issues that face our region, visit Mid-Hudson Community Profiles.